133 research outputs found

    Cyt c6-3: A new isoform of photosynthetic Cyt c6 exclusive to heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria

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    All known cyanobacteria contain Cyt c6, a small soluble electron carrier protein whose main function is to transfer electrons from the Cyt b6 f complex to PSI, although it is also involved in respiration. We have previously described a second isoform of this protein, the Cyt c6-like, whose function remains unknown. Here we describe a third isoform of Cyt c6 (here called Cytc6-3), which is only found in heterocyst- forming filamentous cyanobacteria. Cyt c6-3 is expressed in vegetative cells but is specifically repressed in heterocysts cells under diazotrophic growth conditions. Although there is a close structural similarity between Cyt c6-3 and Cyt c6 related to the general protein folding, Cyt c6-3 presents differential electrostatic surface features as compared with Cyt c6, its expression is not copper dependent and has a low reactivity towards PSI. According to the different expression pattern, functional reactivity and structural properties, Cyt c6-3 has to play an as yet to be defined regulatory role related to heterocyst differentiation.Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla FIUS05710000Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2012-35271, BIO2015-64169-PJunta de Andalucía PAIDI BIO-02

    Comparing and Tuning Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    The main goals of this work is to study and compare machine learning algorithms to predict the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Four classifi cation algorithms have been considered, studying and comparing the accuracy of each one to predict the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus seven years in advance. Specifically, the techniques studied are: Decision Tree, Random Forest, kNN (k-Nearest Neighbors) and Neural Networks. The study not only involves the comparison among these techniques, but also, the tuning of the meta-parameters in each algorithm. The algorithms have been implemented using the language R. The data base used is obtained from the nation-wide cohort [email protected] study. The conclusions will include the accuracy of each algorithm and therefore the best technique for this problem. The best meta-parameters for each algorithm will be also provided.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Effects of Plyometric, Strength and Change of Direction Training on High-School Basketball Player's Physical Fitness

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    The study aim was to compare the effects of a 7-week plyometric, strength and change of direction (COD) training program on basketball-specific performance measures in high-school players. Forty male players were randomly assigned to one of the four groups: plyometric (PG, n = 10), strength (SG, n = 10), COD (CODG, n = 10), and control group training (CG, n = 10). Two training sessions were performed at weekly intervals before basketball training. Performance of the counter movement jump (CMJ), Abalakov jump (ABKJ), 10 m zig-zag sprint, 20 m in line sprint (measurements at 10 and 20 m), and sit and reach flexibility test (SRFT) was assessed before and after the intervention. A 4 (group) x 2 (time) repeated measures analysis of variances (ANOVA) was conducted for each variable. Bonferroni post-hoc tests were used when the interaction was significant. Significant (all p < 0.05) time x group interaction was noted for SRFT, CMJ, ABK, sprint, and zig-zag 10 m, in favor of the experimental groups compared to the control group. However, improvements in physical fitness were similar between the three experimental groups. In conclusion, 7 weeks of specific plyometric, strength and COD training produced similar medium to large improvements in physical fitness of high-school basketball players

    Occupational factors associated with health-related quality of life in nursing professionals: a multi-centre study

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    Background: Nursing professionals are exposed to stressful situations arising from the work context that may affect health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between sociodemographic and work-related variables regarding HRQoL in nursing professionals. Methods: A multi-centre, cross-sectional descriptive design was used. The participants consisted 1521 nurses working in healthcare centres, in both primary care and hospital care, in the eight provinces of the Andalusian Public Health System (APHS), Spain. Sociodemographic and work-related variables were analysed: Compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and burnout were measured using the professional quality of life questionnaire (ProQOL), and HRQoL was measured using the SF-12 health questionnaire. Results: Compassion fatigue, burnou, and, to a lesser extent, compassion satisfaction significantly influence the physical and mental components of HRQoL. The simple regression analysis showed that burnout and compassion fatigue were significantly associated with the mental component of HRQoL. Gender influenced the mental component of HRQoL. The rest of the sociodemographic and work-related variables were not significantly related to HRQoL. Conclusion: Work-related stress and repeated contact with situations of suffering influence HRQoL. Health systems must implement programmes to increase the emotional well-being of workers

    Los roles gerenciales de Mintzberg: Una evidencia empírica en la universidad

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el cumplimiento de los roles gerenciales planteados por Henry Mintzberg (interpersonales, de información y decisión) que predominan en los jefes de programas académicos de una institución de educación superior. La metodología utilizada se basó en un estudio cuantitativo por medio de la aplicación de encuestas individuales que permitieron el análisis y la presentación de los resultados, en los cuales se evidenció que los roles predominantes en la unidad de análisis son los interpersonales y de información

    Encuesta sobre gestión de pedidos en el sector de prefabricados de hormigón

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    La satisfacción de clientes es uno de los aspectos más importantes para la competitividad de las empresas. La capacidad para responder a los clientes de forma rápida y fiable implica comprometer fechas de entrega ajustadas y cumplirlas. El caso del sector de la prefabricación de hormigón presenta una problemática muy específica en lo que respecta a la gestión de pedidos, ya que los productos se fabrican exclusivamente bajo pedido y compite fundamentalmente en plazos de entrega. En este trabajo, nos centramos en el análisis de este problema realizando una encuesta entre empresas del sector

    Increase of Transmitted Drug Resistance among HIV-Infected Sub-Saharan Africans Residing in Spain in Contrast to the Native Population

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of transmitted HIV drug resistance (TDR) is stabilizing or decreasing in developed countries. However, this trend is not specifically evaluated among immigrants from regions without well-implemented antiretroviral strategies. METHODS: TDR trends during 1996-2010 were analyzed among naïve HIV-infected patients in Spain, considering their origin and other factors. TDR mutations were defined according to the World Health Organization list. RESULTS: Pol sequence was available for 732 HIV-infected patients: 292 native Spanish, 226 sub-Saharan Africans (SSA), 114 Central-South Americans (CSA) and 100 from other regions. Global TDR prevalence was 9.7% (10.6% for Spanish, 8.4% for SSA and 7.9% for CSA). The highest prevalences were found for protease inhibitors (PI) in Spanish (3.1%), for non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) in SSA (6.5%) and for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) in both Spanish and SSA (6.5%). The global TDR rate decreased from 11.3% in 2004-2006 to 8.4% in 2007-2010. Characteristics related to a decreasing TDR trend in 2007-10 were Spanish and CSA origin, NRTI- and NNRTI-resistance, HIV-1 subtype B, male sex and infection through injection drug use. TDR remained stable for PI-resistance, in patients infected through sexual intercourse and in those carrying non-B variants. However, TDR increased among SSA and females. K103N was the predominant mutation in all groups and periods. CONCLUSION: TDR prevalence tended to decrease among HIV-infected native Spanish and Central-South Americans, but it increased up to 13% in sub-Saharan immigrants in 2007-2010. These results highlight the importance of a specific TDR surveillance among immigrants to prevent future therapeutic failures, especially when administering NNRTIs

    Ethical conflicts among physicians and nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative study

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    Rationale, Aims and Objectives The healthcare system and professionals working in the sector have experienced a high caseload during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This has increased the potential for morally harmful events that violate professionals' moral codes and values. The aim of this study was to understand and explore experiences of new moral challenges emerging among physicians and nurses caring for individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method The consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist was used in this qualitative study based on Gadamer's phenomenology. Participants were selected using a convenience sampling method. Thirteen medicine and nursing graduates were interviewed in depth. The participants all worked on the frontline at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were gathered in two basic healthcare districts in Spain, encompassing both primary care and hospital care. Results Four main themes emerged from the data analysis: (1) Betrayal of moral and ethical values as a key source of suffering; (2) Ethical and moral sense of failure accompanying loss of meaning; (3) Lack of confidence in performance; (4) Self-demand and self-punishment as personal condemnation among healthcare workers. Conclusions Health institutions must implement interventions for health professionals to help mitigate the consequences of experiencing complex ethical scenarios during the pandemic. In addition, they should promote training in moral and ethical deliberation and prepare them to make decisions of great ethical significance

    Informe sobre la situación del Área de Antropología Social en las universidades y centros de investigación en relación con el reconocimiento de la actividad investigadora por parte de la CNEAI en forma de sexenios

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    El objetivo de este informe es hacer una primera aproximación al grado de implantación de este procedimiento de evaluación (sexenios, en adelante) en el área de la Antropología Social y, a partir de ahí, identificar los obstáculos principales en relación con el procedimiento empleado que impiden lograr una mayor tasa de éxito. Como veremos, existe una disonancia entre los "criterios CNEAI" y los "criterios de la Antropología" de lo que significa "calidad científica" en nuestra área, situación que sugiere la urgente necesidad de repensar y recalibrar ese procedimiento de evaluación. A la vista de los resultados, el fin último de este informe es elevar al organismo oficial evaluador una serie de recomendaciones y propuestas concretas de mejora

    Metodología para el trabajo con géneros discursivos académicos

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    Este libro está destinado en primer lugar, a profesores, para que puedan aplicar las guías expuestas o elaborar otras similares con el mismo propósito; también a investigadores, en virtud de la «doble naturaleza» del discurso académico, por cuanto concierne a textos que responden a una situación comunicativa específica cuyos rasgos son, precisamente, el reflejo de los recursos expresivos que se pretenden enseñar mediante la práctica universitaria (Jiménez Calderón, 2015); y por último, a los estudiantes universitarios, que encontrarán en las guías expuestas una orientación muy específica para la elaboración de los géneros discursivos académicos a los que se refieren. INDICE: • Introducción: metodología para el trabajo con géneros discursivos académicos • Guía para la elaboración de abstracts • Guía para desenmarañar el comentario de textos lingüísticos • Pautas para el uso del aprendizaje colaborativo en una asignatura de lingüística • El comentario filológico de textos históricos • Elaboración de trabajos monográficos de primer curso • Guía para la elaboración de reseñas • Guía ortotipográfica para la presentación de trabajos de géneros académicos redactados en lengua francesa • Guía para la elaboración de trabajos académicos en el ámbito de la filología clásica • Guía para la elaboración de comentarios de textos poéticos en el área de literatura española • Guía para la elaboración de comentarios de textos narrativos en el área de literatura española • Guía para la elaboración de comentarios de textos literarios (dramática) • Guía para la elaboración de comentarios de textos literarios (ensayística) • El delicado asunto de las exposiciones orales… consejos de un neófito en la materia a un aprendiz de orador • Guía para la elaboración de comentarios de obras de historia del arte • Guía para la elaboración de trabajos monográficos en el área de historia del arte (nivel de grado) • Guía para la elaboración de trabajos prácticos en la fase inicial del grado en geografía y ordenación del territorio: «técnicas geográficas para el análisis territorial»This book is primarily intended for teachers, so that they can apply the guidelines or develop similar ones for the same purpose; Also to researchers, by virtue of the "double nature" of academic discourse, insofar as it concerns texts that respond to a specific communicative situation whose features are precisely the reflection of the expressive resources that are intended to be taught through university practice (Jiménez Calderón, 2015); And finally, to the university students, who will find in the guides exposed a very specific orientation for the elaboration of the academic discursive genres to which they refer